Changeling is an original story where you play as a changeling, Líorri, tasked with reuniting the spirits of magical creatures to their separated bodies in an unfolding plot. You journey through landscapes inspired by Scotland and Ireland, meeting creatures from various celtic mythologies and learning about them, and yourself, throughout. The goal is not to kill anything for the sake of meaningless violence, it is to subdue a creature enough for the spirit to rejoin the body again.
I'm always glad to talk about my stories, but for the sake of IP protection, I will not have it all publicly available.
Predictably, Líorri was the trickiest character to design and by far took the longest. I went through multiple pages of ideation before landing on the final shape design. Originally my references leaned mostly on traditional Celtic clothing, but i ended up broadening them to include Romani, Gafsa, and Lakota clothing. I had a lot of fun with the colors, and while I had originally intended to have them as dark haired with very pale eyes, I found that the inverse ended up being the color pallete that I was most drawn to.